Sunday, March 20, 2016

Mahabharata - Story of the Four Yugas

Story of the Four Yugas

In Krita or Satya age, Truth and morality prevailed. Everybody was pure and virtuous and nothing bad or evil could happen. Dharma or the ethics was like a cow with four legs. In the Treta age there was one leg of unrighteousness and therefore vices came into being. In Dwapara, virtue and vice were both in equal measures. In the Kali age, virtue was only one fourth while vice reigned supreme. Period of life, strength, intellect and size of men as well as their energy decreases in every age, being of the highest in Krita age. In Kali age men behave deceitfully towards fellow beings. Truth and morality decreases and hence the lifespan of man is short. Therefore they do not acquire knowledge and are bereft of all wisdom. They are ruled by greed, lust, anger, jealousies, hatred towards fellow human beings and calamity befalls them repeatedly. The four orders do not adhere to their prescribed duties and esp. Brahmins are much fallen and degenerated to the level of Sudras. Men will appropriate what belongs to others. They will do all such activities that are strictly forbidden in scriptures. The behaviors of Melcchas (one who are devoid of the Vedas) will become the norm and all sacrifices cease to exist. Along with them all joys and happiness will go away and misery will reign. The Kshatriyas, instead of performing their duties (of upholding virtue through chastisement) will contribute towards an increase in disharmony and discord through constant warfares. Instead of protecting then honest and virtuous they will like plunderers rob them of their weath, wives and possessions. Men who betray the truth and are immoral will appear as men of learning while true men of learning will not get any attention. Cowards will be considered brave while real bravehearts will perish unsung. All men will behave like Sudras and towards the end of the Yuga all virtues will disappear. The householders, husbands, wives, sons, daughters will forget their duties and will always break all scriptural injunctions of a virtuous life, by being immoral and corrupt. Religion will be only in symbols and people will falsely try to appear as religious. Malice and hatred will fill the earth. There will be famines and earthquakes and all sorts of natural calamities in consequence of the evil deeds of mankind. Men will become cruel, selfish and devoid of all compassion. Kings will levy oppressive taxes and subjects will perish without protection. They will destroy trees, gardens and other natural resources. When men thus begin to slay each other, take their possessions, when the good are very few and unprotected, when evil reigns supreme, the Yuga will come to an end. All kinds of unnatural things will happen and clouds will rain incessantly. Disciples will not listen to gurus and Sudras will rule over Brahmins. Men of learning and wisdom will have to fear for their lives and there will be no distinction (on the basis of knowledge, piousness, wisdom and merit). People will only covet after wealth and sinfully indulge in lust and sense pleasures. Crops will not grow and men will perish like insects. Men will leave their own country and migrate to others in search of food and livelihood. When such is the state of affair of all living beings, creation will begin anew. When the planetary conjunctions are auspicious, Krita yuga will begin once again and prosperity, health and abundance will once again return on earth. About this time will be born the divine Kalki. He will be born in the small village called Sambhala. He will be ever devoted to virtue and will get everything needed to bring about the transformation. He will destroy all evil and restore peace and harmony. After exterminating the Mlecchas, i.e. people of vulgar behavior, Kalki, in a great horse sacrifice will give away the earth to the Brahmins. Countries of the earth, one after another will be subjugated by him.  When sin is thus rooted out and virtue flourishes, Krita age will set in. Brahmins will become true Brahmins devoted to truth, penance, sacrifices and ever possessed of wisdom and all other orders will follow their course. Peace and prosperity will rule all over the earth.

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