Wednesday, August 5, 2015


Satyameva Jayate, the Truth triumphs

The eternal has the strongest affinity with the living beings. Everybody wants to have a glimpse of the sublime truth which enables one to rise above all ignorance. Everybody wants to get a taste of that blissful state which precludes all tribulations and sufferings. That state of supreme joy, supreme truth and eternal bliss is everybody's birthright. According to Sri Ramakrishna, this state will be achieved by all, sooner or later - some take the lunch early, while others take it late.
Every soul aspires after the Truth. According to Swami Vivekananda, whatever actions we undertake, whatever we do or think, are primarily aimed in understanding the Truth, because all experience ultimately converge into that sublime Truth. It is better that the Truth be introduced in life at an early age than at a later age. Therefore it is the youth, in the prime of age, who should yearn for the Truth. The Truth is reached through various paths, straight or crooked. So this is intended for the youth who are ready to take a plunge, because in Kathopanishada it is mentioned that the path is sharp like the razor's edge and is very difficult to tread. Only persons with great abilities can step into this path.
The website aspires to provide the young minds with glimpses of the Absolute Truth through the message of Bhagavat Gita, The Mahabharata, the Puranas, Gospels of Sri Ramakrishna, works of Swami Vivekananda, Upanishadas and other similar scriptures and works of great spiritual thoughts. It is for the sincere aspirant to build on the education thus received and move ahead.
As the great sage once proclaimed -

 Srinvanto viswe amritasya putrah   - Ye Children of immortal bliss 
Aa ye dhamani divyani tasthu - Even those divinities of higher realms
Vedahamidam Purusham mahantam - I have known this great Purusha/Being
Aditya varnam tamasah parastat - Resplendent like the Sun, beyond all darkness
Tameva viditva atimrityumeti - You also cross over the gulf of death by knowing it
Nanyapantha vidyate ayanaya || - There is no other way

Ekam Sat - Viprah bahudhah vadanti - The Truth is one, but sages proclaim it by various names

All other truths like science, material knowledge, religious doctrines and dogmas are relative truths. Relative because they pertain to time, space (culture and geography), and individual nature. Absolute Truth can be one and relative truths can be many. One Absolute Truth gets conditioned by time, space and nature (cause) and manifests itself as different relative truths. So all religions, all philosophies, all sciences are true. There is no dispute. The difference lies in our mind and intellectual perception owing to the conditioning of the time, space and cause.
Ruchinam vaichitryad rju kutil nana patha jusham, nrnam ekogamyastvamasi payasamarnava iva -As the myriads of streams coming down the mountain merge into the ocean, so also Oh Lord, the people following various path, straight or winding, ultimately, converge in You.

"Each soul is potentially divine . The goal is to manifest this divinity within by controlling nature , external and internal. Do this either by work , or worship or psychic control or philosophy - by one or more or all of these and be free"- Swami Vivekananda

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